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Berlin, Life

*Please scroll down for the English version.

「フリートホフ(墓地)に散歩に行かない?」と初めて誘われたとき、私は正直ひるんだ。墓地の散策? 前情報がない私には、何をどう考えても散歩が楽しめる場所とは思えなかった。不安ながら好奇心に引っ張られて実際に足を運んでみると、そこにはフツーに散歩を楽しむドイツ人の日常があった。ゾンビ映画のようなおどろおどろしい雰囲気は微塵もない。


“Would you like to go for a walk in a graveyard?” When I was asked first time, I felt a little scared. However hard I tried, I couldn’t get my head around why graveyard? It didn’t seem to be a nice place to take a walk. But after my curiosity won and when I actually went there, the image of German graveyard changed. I witnessed how people enjoying taking a walk, which is just one of everyday life in Germany. So, Taking a walk in a German graveyard is nothing like horrifying or frightful like a Zombie film, as I first imagined.

‘Graveyard’ is ‘Friedhof’ in German and literally means ‘peaceful courtyard’. It is located on church grounds, you can also find it in the city centre. In relatively large premises, there are many different living things such as wild birds, squirrels, insects, trees and flowers. Interestingly enough, ‘people sleep there’ doesn’t seen as a main theme of German’s graveyards, and you are rather surrounded by a peaceful lively atmosphere. I won’t call it as a power spot but it makes you calm and is a great place when you want to think about things. Reminiscent of a forest or park, ‘Friedhof’ is one of German’s favourite spots for a stroll.

photographed in jan/2014

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