Good luck を意味するドイツ語。Viel glück (たくさんのラッキーを)!
これと似た言葉に、viel spass(たくさんの楽しさを = have fun)や vielen dank(たくさんのありがとう = thank you)なんかがある。
Viel Glück, viel spass and vielen dank. When they are translated literally, it will be “a lot of luck”, “a lot of fun” and “many thanks”. Sometimes, I have problem with the directness and simplicity of German language but in this case, I think this straightness works nicer than English.
To imagine the scene where the person putting a masking tape on the street makes me smile. Berlin has been growing bigger and busier but the flow of time is still slow.

photographed in sep/2020